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LIFE & Leadership Coaching

Authentic Leadership/ Time Management/ Create a Vision/ Overcome Procrastination/ Turn Your Dream Into A Reality


Does Professional Coaching Work?


According to a Manchester Consulting Group study of Fortune 100 executives, the Economic Times reports "coaching resulted in a Return On Investment (ROI) of almost six times the program cost as well as a 77% improvement in relationships, 67% improvement in teamwork, 61% improvement in job satisfaction and 48% improvement in quality." Additionally, a study of Fortune 500 telecommunications companies by MatrixGlobal found executive coaching resulted in a 529% ROI. 


Individual Coaching & Consulting

Team On- Site Workshops

Off Site Retreats

Mindfulness Leadership Approach

“Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.”

-Abraham Lincoln

Individual Life & Career Coaching:


I’d love to start with a free sample session.  If after the sample session, we agree to enter into a Coaching relationship, we will design that relationship together and begin working toward your goals.  We will decide together how often we will meet, where we will meet, and for what period of time.  For most people, a 3 month commitment works best.  This gives time between sessions for action items that we develop, it gives enough longevity to the relationship to work through barriers that might arise to your success.  We may decide on in person meetings, phone sessions, or a combination of both.  


Many people attain their original goal(s) within 3 months, and together, we close the relationship.  Some people reach their goal, but would like additional monthly check in for a period of time.  Others choose a new goal to tackle, and we decide to do another 3 or 2 month commitment.

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